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Woody Woodward used to bully kids on the playground for fun before his mutation kicked in.
Now, he likes to bully superheroes.
{ played by @Jon }


Name: Woody Woodward
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 8'0" (without spikes)
Weight: 450 lbs.
Eye Color: Fire
Hair Color: Fire
Qgp9Rni.png Flesh made of a hard organic substance
lTrRO0t.png similar to tree bark that can be rapidly
lTrRO0t.png regenerated & splintered into sharp fragments
lTrRO0t.png that can be used as weapons or projectiles
Qgp9Rni.png Powers are fueled by internally-generated
lTrRO0t.png flames, which he can also use offensively
Qgp9Rni.png Increased strength and durability as a side-
lTrRO0t.png effect of his massive size and mutated
lTrRO0t.png physiological structure


Qgp9Rni.png Judas


Qgp9Rni.png Woodsmoke Goes to the Dentist
