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Personal Data
Real Name: '
Known Aliases: '
Age: As old as my tongue. A bit older than my teeth.
Height: Yes.
Weight: Also yes.
Eye Color: Two.
Hair Color: One, two, three, four...
Biographical Data
Nationality: US
Occupation: Tech support
Place of Birth: The Land of Cheese
Base of Operations: Oak Creek
Marital Status: If I weren't divorced, I'd be widowed. RIP, dearest.
Known Relatives: Siblings and such
Known Abilities

A bit about...

COH related

On live? Main account was @Therra Arcson. But mostly known as Memphis Bill. Multi-account altaholic (3-400..ish... characters.) Copypasta maker. Originator of /jranger, which has story enough behind it. Lived on every server, really, but mainly Pinnacle and Victory. Played from issue 3 to close, with one small break when Incarnates were just ... getting to be ridiculous, and it looked like they really didn't want to give us a solo/small team path. Came back, though, and ran through Sunset.

Stuff I'm probably known for - some guides. Mostly the Kheldian backstory guide though I'm also somewhat proud of "EAT at War Witch's" going over Epics we could have had.

Yes, I ran on SCoRE for a while. No, nothing nefarious was going on there, despite what some would have you believe. There were, however, a lot of good people. And I helped run one fairly large RP group of them.

Homecoming? Stories reset, stories continue, stories change. RP's the reason I'm around, honestly. This is a great vehicle for it.

Outside the game

I mostly am not big on talking about myself.

I've gamed since getting a new Atari 2600 the Christmas they came out. Six switches, wood grain, two joysticks, set of paddles and Combat. Yes, I even had E.T. (and it wasn't honestly that *bad,* it just also wasn't that *great.*) Had a huge game collection, 'til I had to leave it behind during a move in the early 90s. I argued Atari vs Intellivision (hated those controllers) with my best friend, and we both ignored Coleco, because who the heck played coleco? (So the PS vs Nintendo vs Xbox just makes me smile.) I played on one brother's TRS-80, another's Commodore 64 (loved Raid on Bungling Bay and Raid over Moscow, never finished Mindshadow.) Had a TI 99/4a and Atari 800xl. Messed with an Apple IIc at school, played Archon on the Mac at the library.

Then got to PCs. First considered building one to play Falcon 3.0. Did upgrades for things like X-wing. Got dragged kicking and screaming into Win95 (instead of DOS or OS/2) for Diablo. Played Netmech/DOS over Kali and over a 14.4 modem. Was big into Battletech/Mechwarrior on AOL (and of course joined the "you can't do that!" Clan Black Sheep.)

... so, yes, gaming's been a big part of my life.

I mess around with bass and, less so, guitar. Have also played flute for years, but not recently. I should again.

I've been in tech support for over a quarter century. Yes, I prefer being on the front lines - I'd get paid more doing server work or development or admin or what have you, but I like my weekends and evenings free. And I get paid decently and feel good about where I'm working.

I still love my late ex wife. She talked me into divorcing because caring for her meant I wasn't taking care of myself - at all, to where I'd probably be hospitalized, not to mention the financial and other issues. And things would only get worse with her disease. I can honestly say I didn't divorce the same person I married - the disease (and side effects) changed her personality quite a bit by the time we signed the papers. And I found out about her passing just a few years ago.

I think I've lived through an incredible period of transition - from rotary phones where "mobile" meant having a cord long enough to stretch into the next room to pocket computers you can talk to anyone on the planet with. From a small city with farms down the street, a bike path with a rusty old tractor someone tucked away to play on, 8 tracks and LPs, polaroids being amazing, cable TV being a new thing (with 57 channels with nothing on...) to ... today. Cars that are rolling computers themselves, the Internet being the amazing (and frustrating, and dangerous) thing it is, stuff that no, I wouldn't have imagined. Sometimes I think it's amazing. Sometimes I think it was better off back then, when news came at morning, then 6 and 10 PM, or the newspaper, instead of a 24 hour cycle that needs ratings, and you knew the people around you. On the flip side... I don't think minorities, LGBTQ+++++ and the like would have the rights they're winning now in that world, either. So many more people can have their voices *heard* now, for good or ill.

But, hell. For me, here, I just want to tell stories, I think.