Feral/Armor Minny

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"Minny" Series Armor

The "Minny" Series is without question Sylvia's crowning achievement, and classified by most authorities as among the most powerful powered armor to ever exist. Standing at anywhere from 3m to 3.5m, this armor resembles a minotaur and is large enough to support the most advanced equipment and heaviest armors. It is also extremely versatile as a result, able to carry not only ultra-dense plate but also with sufficient power to install the maximum stealth suite. Depending on configuration, the exterior may be covered in synthetic fur which is fireproof and heavily acid resistant.

It's unknown exactly how many Minny armors Sylvia has built or possesses beyond a special chassis stored on-site at Vanguard's White Plains (Rikti War Zone) facility.

Axx Class

The most commonly seen one, Sylvia is known to have at least 6 active Axx-class armors at any given time. Height varies between 3m and 3.2m. These chassis are the most adaptable, and have been observed in active defense, passive defense, and stealth roles equally. At least one A0x-class is known to be used as a 'casual,' lacking the integral armor plating in order to wear normal clothes. Contrary to assumption, the 'casual' armor is only partly furred to maintain appearances.

Weight and power are highly configuration dependent; the 'lightest' A0x-class at approximately 950kg with the heaviest pushing 3,000kg.

Armor varies widely, but even the 'casual' armor can withstand direct hits from anti-materiel rifles indefinitely. Higher end A0x-class armors are capable of withstanding direct hits from main battle tanks.

Power capabilities vary widely, but are estimated to range from 10^4J (casual) to 10^10J (heavy.) All use a 'kinetic scavenging engine.' It is known that some armors are capable of bootstrapping from commercial 3-phase power. One is specifically equipped to bootstrap and recharge from the LINAC support systems at Portal Corp.

Bxx Class

Less commonly seen, Sylvia is believed to have anywhere from 2 to 4 Bxx-class armors. Height varies between 3.1m and 3.5m. These chassis are built specifically for stealth, sacrificing some armoring but maintaining the active defenses. The stealth systems in these armors are highly advanced and a product of 'non-linear' thinking, employing multiple techniques to render them essentially invisible and silent to all systems. Bxx-class armors are primarily used for direct assaults and have large 'bolt-on' blades.

Very little is known or disclosed about the Bxx-class. It is known that the blades can be damaged and even broken. Recovered blades have been identified as either a modified tool steel alloy or a never before seen conductive ceramic. These armors appear to be used exclusively for combat against Rikti and Malta.

C0x Class

In terms of raw power, the C0x-class Minny is without question the absolute top of all powered armor. Constructed more as a tank than any attempt to emulate a living being, the legs, hands, and head more convenience than function. When describing the specifications of the armor, running out of superlatives is a virtual certainty. This armor was built to hold the line against threats that are well into the hypothetical. It has only ever been seen on two occasions, and is not routinely used. This armor is stored at White Plains (Rikti War Zone) and Vanguard maintains a 5 terajoule (equivalent to nearly 2GwH) capacitor bank for the C0x 'bootstrap' process. In declassified Vanguard documents, the C0x armor is referred to as 'MECHANIC ROSE' when piloted and 'ROSE LATTICE' in storage, and has unknown additional support infrastructure referred to as 'GILBERT TRANSMISSION.'

At full rest it weighs 4,153kg in the C08 version, and exceeds 5,500kg with the C08H supplemental plating. The structure can withstand over 450,000kN of force per square inch, and can support a 95,000kg load. There is currently no known weapon which is capable of complete penetration of either C08 or C08H. The limiting factor is total mass; a main battle tank is capable of temporarily disabling by virtue of throwing the armor off its hooves, but is not capable of penetrating.

Power generation is only disclosed as 'Kinetic Scavenge Engine XII.' A minimum 3.8TJ (prompt or trickle) is required to bring all systems online, but in emergency, it can be started with as little as 500MJ. Exact capacities and limits are a closely guarded secret, but demonstrated capabilities are literally off-scale. Maximum prompt discharge can exceed 10^12J, voltages can exceed 75MV (equivalent to a large lightning bolt,) and current peaks are over 20MA (on par with Z-pinch machines used for nuclear fusion experiments.) As with other armor, movements and impacts generate power up to a point of forced discharge.

The C08H supplemental plate system is specific to the C0x, and bolts to an integral receiver system. These additional plates are a multi-layer composite similar to the hybrid Impervium used on current generation main battle tanks. These plates add substantial up-armoring for the torso, outer hips, and neck with some sections reaching nearly 12cm thick.

Dxx Class

A new development, the Dxx-class is the first foray into a 'primary passive' design, which uses substantial up-armoring to replace active defense systems. Most Dxx-class only have 'exposed' fur appearance for the head and below the ankles. Due to the increased armoring, these are much thicker and heavier than other armors. Power output appears to be only slightly reduced from the Axx-class and Silvia uses her usual method of punching very hard.

Exx Class

A source of considerable concern for many authorities, it was recently disclosed that Silvia is experimenting with an all new "E01" design, focused around offensive capabilities. Nothing further is known at this time.

Uxx Class

As some older chassis have been obsoleted by very recent (2024) developments, Silvia has taken to converting these into 'Utility' (Uxx) class. These generally have much of the defensive equipment removed, and the skin configuration varies widely. The stated purpose of the Uxx-class is to have something more 'casual' for maintaining her privacy, and because - direct quote - "I don't want to have to start the damn forklift every time I need to move something heavy."