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Jane took on the moniker of Storm Nereid and has been doing hero work mainly against Hellions, for obvious reasons, and the Circle of Thorns, who have taken a strange interest in her. Currently she is taking on odd jobs in an attempt to potentially pay for college classes but with her superhero efforts it is slow going.
Jane took on the moniker of Storm Nereid and has been doing hero work mainly against Hellions, for obvious reasons, and the Circle of Thorns, who have taken a strange interest in her. Currently she is taking on odd jobs in an attempt to potentially pay for college classes but with her superhero efforts it is slow going.
Storm Nereid is best described as "simple" quickly followed up by "simple does not equal stupid." She is open-minded and doesn't tend to overthink things but her mind is like a trap and can latch onto the smallest detail, even if said detail might end up being a red herring.
She genuinely wants to help people as a hero but can be blind to people manipulating or lying to her unless her electroreception power is in play.
'''Storm Control'''- Storm Nereid has the ability affect the local weather around her. She can conjure up freezing winds, buffeting rain and pelting ice. The primary benefit of this magical ability seems to debilitate enemies and slow them down, though serious harm can occur if her emotions run hot.
'''Storm Control'''- Storm Nereid has the ability affect the local weather around her. She can conjure up freezing winds, buffeting rain and pelting ice. The primary benefit of this magical ability seems to debilitate enemies and slow them down, though serious harm can occur if her emotions run hot.

Revision as of 23:55, 7 February 2024

Storm Nereid
Player: @SquirelWizard
Storm Nereid.png
Storm Nereid standing on the Paragon U College Campus
Character Build
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Defender
Security Level: 11
Biographical Data
Real Name: Jane Doe
Known Aliases:
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Merfolk
Birthplace: Croatoa
Relatives: Unknown
Eyes: Lilac
Hair: Sea Green
Complexion: Sea Blue
Physical Build: Athletic
Physical Features: Fine shark-like skin. Gills on sides of ribs.
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Neutral Good

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Identity: Known, Though she acts like its Secret.
Years Active:
Base of Operations:
Citizenship: USA
Education: Highschool
Occupation: Odd Jobs/Student
Marital Status: Single
Known Powers and Abilities
Storm and Water Control, Electroreception
Equipment and Paraphernalia
ReldinBox Template


Early Life

"She was a foundling washed up on our shores with nothing to tell us who, or what, left her there; or why. If such an occurance had garnered more attention then perhaps she might have had a more stable environment to come into her powers rather than the unfortunate circumstances that she did. Sadly, strangeness has become commonplace in Croatoa." Mr. Arthur Dithers, Owner of Mr. Dither's Home for Displaced Children.

Jane Doe was given her name when she was discovered on the shores of Coatoa without anything to identify her. Her appearance garnered a blip in local newspapers, but any interest quickly petered out as the story became attributed to stories akin to the Lake Salamanca monster Sally. After she was declared medically stable, Jane was relegated to the care of Arthur Dither's orphanage.

Despite Mr. Dither's best efforts, Jane's life at the orphanage was less than great. She was largely ostracized by the other children for her strange appearance, and bullied by others. Things came to a head after her nineth birthday when she was cornered in the basement by her bullies and tormented to the point of breaking down. In that moment of emotional distress she tapped into her latent ablities envloping the orphanage in, what was described as, a Blizznado. The children and staff were evacuated from the building with varying degrees of frostbite and later a hero was called in to help calm the young girl down.

The orphanage had to be closed for renovation, replacing smashed windows, ruptured radiators, and water damage from the storm. While it would eventually reopen, Jane was deemed to be too dangerous to stay anywhere without proper supervision and training to control her powers. St Ives Prepatory School stepped in after hearing about Jane's circumstances seeing the opportunity to enhance their public image by taking the troublesome merfolk in.

Placed under the tutelage and care of the Teachers in St. Ives, Jane's life marginally improved. She learned to control her powers but many still shunned her for her appearance or, in the case of the elites, her low class. She took refuge in swimming and the schools library, predominantly drawn to the superhero comics as she related to the characters in them. After nine years at St. Ives, Jane left the school to pursue further academic pursuits, though more specifically to become a hero in Paragon City.


Jane took on the moniker of Storm Nereid and has been doing hero work mainly against Hellions, for obvious reasons, and the Circle of Thorns, who have taken a strange interest in her. Currently she is taking on odd jobs in an attempt to potentially pay for college classes but with her superhero efforts it is slow going.


Storm Nereid is best described as "simple" quickly followed up by "simple does not equal stupid." She is open-minded and doesn't tend to overthink things but her mind is like a trap and can latch onto the smallest detail, even if said detail might end up being a red herring.

She genuinely wants to help people as a hero but can be blind to people manipulating or lying to her unless her electroreception power is in play.


Storm Control- Storm Nereid has the ability affect the local weather around her. She can conjure up freezing winds, buffeting rain and pelting ice. The primary benefit of this magical ability seems to debilitate enemies and slow them down, though serious harm can occur if her emotions run hot.

Water Control- Storm Nereid can control masses of water, either by pulling from a pooled source or drawing from the moisture in the air. She primarily uses this ability to incapacitate foes, with blasts and geysers of water. Storm Nereid has an unconscious pull on water subtly drawing it towards her and on more than one occasion peoples drinks have toppled over with drastic effect because of this.

Toughened Skin- Storm Nereid's skin is covered in a very fine form of scales akin to a shark's skin, smooth if rubbed the right way but distinctively coarse the other way. While she isn't on the level of resistance seen with heroes, and villains, these scales means she can be surprisingly resilient to lower energy physical attacks and has some insulation against heated and chilled environments.

Electroreception- Thanks to her strange physiology, Storm Nereid's tough body can sense electrical signals including hearbeats either by direct skin to skin contact, or at range if both she and the source are submerged. This also means that she does not handle electrical attacks well which result in a distracting feeling of full body static on top of the usual effects.

Underwater Breathing- Storm Nereid is amphibious. She can breathe air like normal, but can also pass water through gill slits on her sides. Even so, she prefers to avoid waterbreathing as most water she comes across is either treated, which irritates her gills, or sewer water, for obvious reasons.

Magic- Since a good many of her powers stem from her innate magic connection, Storm Nereid has started to explore other magics in an attempt to discover more about herself and abilities. With some training she has learned a spell that allows her to fly and teleport, which makes commuting much easier.

Fishspeak- Storm Nereid can speak to fish and other aquatic critters but doesn't have any capacity to command them. This is of marginal use as the capacity to speak does not directly translate to being useful, fish are simple creatures.


Magic- Storm Nereid is facinated by magic an is intersted in learning more about it. She might not learn how to replicate a spell, but a sufficently flashy magic will catch her attention.

St. Ives- Having spent a while at St. Ives Prep, Storm Nereid knows the ins and outs of the catty nature of the social cliques there. If your character spent time at, or knew someone who went to, St. Ives their paths might have crossed for good, or ill.

Swimming and Water- Not only tied to the aesthetic of her powers, Storm Nereid loves to swim and is generally attacted to water activities.

A Past, or Lack Thereof- Storm Nereid is well aware of her past but she has absolutely no knowledge as to where she came from. MAGI has yet to uncover any known people who she might be associated with, much less why she'd be abandoned like she was.