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===Abilities=== '''Athletics:''' Stephanie used to play varsity football until her mutation got her kicked off the team, but she never really stopped being a jock after that. She's a fair bit stronger than the average person and has the training and mindset to excel in physically demanding situations. She can bench like 280. '''Athletics:''' Stephanie used to play varsity football until her mutation got her kicked off the team, and she never really stopped being a jock. She's a fair bit stronger than the average person and has the training and mindset to excel in physically demanding situations. She can bench like 280. '''Parapsychology:''' '''Parapsychology:'''  

Revision as of 06:25, 3 February 2024

Art by Adrian!
Originicon mutation.png Archetypeicon controller.png
Eye of the Storm
CreateSymbol Hero.png
Player: @Amarlex
Origin: Mutation
Archetype: Controller
Security Level: 50
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Stephanie Grace
Known Aliases: None
Species: Mutant Human
Age: 30
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 204 lbs.
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: White
Biographical Data
Nationality: American
Occupation: Superhero
Education: BA in English Literature
Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California
Hometown: Paragon City
Base of Operations: Talos Island
Marital Status: Dating Polymer and Pleiades
Known Relatives: None
Known Powers
Psychokinesis, ESP, Telepathy, Engineered Body
Known Abilities
Athletics, Parapsychology
Utility Belt




Power Grid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
  Energy Projection
  Fighting Skill


Hero_PenelopeYin_Nexus_PsionicTornado.png Psychokinesis: Brainstorm possesses some of the most powerful psychokinetic abilities on the planet, with "Class 100" strength, molecular precision, and a maximum range measured in kilometers.

WidowTeamwork_MindLink.png ESP: With her third eye, Brainstorm is capable of seeing most of the electromagnetic spectrum along with various subtle and mystical phenomena. In magic terms, she has inherent True Sight. Instead of telepathically "hearing" thoughts, she instead can quite literally read the minds of others in her field of view.

Awakened_MindSiphon.png Telepathy: Compared to her staggering PK, Stephanie's telepathy isn't particularly astonishing. She can detect other psychics and has an ironclad mental defense, but she has little influence over the minds of others if they're unwilling to let her in.

WidowTeamwork_Elude.png Engineered Body: Brainstorm's current body is not her original. Her powers burned the old one up from the inside out, and she had to have her brain transferred to a vat-grown prosthetic body. Although it's almost exactly the same, the doctor who created it added in various improvements over the baseline human form, with a minor healing factor, psionic energy 'vent' organs in her arms and legs, and mildly improved strength and reflexes.


WidowTeamwork_MentalTraining.png Athletics: Stephanie used to play varsity football until her mutation got her kicked off the team, and she never really stopped being a jock. She's a fair bit stronger than the average person and has the training and mindset to excel in physically demanding situations. She can bench like 280.

FortunataTeamwork_TacticalTrainingVengeance.png Parapsychology:


Ninjitsu_BlindingPowder.png Sensitive Eyes:

Ninjitsu_Caltrops.png Reduced Mobility:
