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As the party dies down, everyone knew it was almost time.  Lucas hugged his friends, and said goodbye again.  He asked Cross, the man replacing him, “Cross, would you walk me out?”.  Cross nodded with a bit of a forced smile.  Asking someone to “walk you out” was basically asking them to be the one to “retire” you.  Lucas felt it was fitting for his replacement to do it.  They left the area, chatting along the way.  Lucas smiled and wished Cross luck.  Cross thanked him, pulled out a pistol, and put a round through his chest.  The last thing he heard as everything went dark was Cross's distant voice, "I love you, old man".
As the party died down, everyone knew it was almost time.  Lucas hugged his friends, and said goodbye again.  He asked Cross, the man replacing him, “Cross, would you walk me out?”.  Cross nodded with a bit of a forced smile.  Asking someone to “walk you out” was basically asking them to be the one to “retire” you.  Lucas felt it was fitting for his replacement to do it.  They left the area, chatting along the way.  Lucas smiled and wished Cross luck.  Cross thanked him, pulled out a pistol, and put a round through Lucas's chest.  The last thing he heard as everything went dark was Cross's distant voice, "Love you old man".

Revision as of 14:13, 20 November 2023

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King Viper
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Lucas Hood
Known Aliases:
King Viper
Born Human
March 1st
Mercy Isle
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
Snake Like Features
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Lawful Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
2 Years
Base of Operations:
Paragon City, Rogue Isles
Rogue Isles
High School, Arachnos
Criminal, Bouncer
Marital Status:
Single, Never Married
Known Powers and Abilities

- Master Hand to Hand Combatant

- Reflexes, Strength, Endurance, and Agility operate at Super Human levels
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Rocket Board
ReldinBox Template

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Early Days
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Lucas Hood was born in Mercy Island. When he was 6 years old, his mother disappeared, leaving him and his father behind to start a new life somewhere else. Lucas’s father was a good man, a strong man, who raised his son with love and values. The problem is, love and values don’t survive long in the Rogue Isles. Dangers lurked around every corner, gangs moved closer and closer to war, and strange mutated snake-men lurked in the darkness. One day when Lucas was 14, his father came home bruised and a bit battered, though alright. Lucas asked his dad what happened, but his dad brushed it off. He pressed the issue and learned that his dad had been mugged. Worse yet is that it happened just around the corner, close to their home. Lucas began to worry about the encroaching violence because he and his dad were alone.

After a day of what passed for Public School, some members of the dominant gang on the Isle known as “The Razors” started chatting up Lucas. Lucas was bigger and stronger than most the kids his age, so they had their eyes on him for some time. Usually, Lucas just tried to be respectful and keep moving, but this time he stopped. He talked to the men, explaining what had been going on. They promised him that if he joined, he would be family, and they would have his back. Lucas agreed. Once the thugs and common scum knew Lucas was with the Razors, they left his dad, and his neighborhood alone. Lucas knew his dad wasn’t stupid, and probably knew what was happening, but dad never mentioned it. Maybe he was ashamed that his son had to go to such lengths to protect him, or maybe it was just the fact that that way of surviving was the reality.

During his time with the Razors, he was able to prove himself as a capable addition. His natural size and athletic capability mixed well with the violence. He was a natural fighter, always willing to take the fight to whoever stepped to him. After all, better to take the “L” then to back down and be seen as weak. Never back down, never tolerate disrespect. These were the lessons that he learned from his new family.

Years passed, and Lucas was preparing to graduate High School. One morning, Lucas’s dad left for work, and never came home. Not like his mother, his Father wasn’t the type to abandon him. He wouldn’t just run away without a word. Unfortunately, that meant he needed to fear the worst. He searched for his dad for days, but never found him. There was no police investigation, no body was ever recovered, no funeral was ever held. He was just gone. Another victim of the Rogue Isles, another statistic in someone’s book.

After he lost his Father, Lucas leaned into the gang life completely. Feeling he had nothing left to lose, he became his most dangerous, willing to pop off with the slightest provocation. His brutality and ruthless dedication caused him to move up the ranks quickly as an Enforcer. Lucas was the perfect soldier. He didn’t need or want all the details, he didn’t care if he was kept in the dark. All he wanted to know was “who was the threat”, and “How far do you want me to take it”. Most of the time he might rough someone up, or occasionally use a beating to send a message or warning. However, he had no issue putting someone in the ground. In fact, he was maybe too good at it.

Unknown to Lucas at the time, was that the reason the Razor’s were so feared, was that they were semi-secretly backed by Arachnos. They were known in the right circles as a “feeder gang”, meant to groom and evaluate it’s members. This allowed Arachnos access to fresh recruits that were already indoctrinated into the lifestyle of violence, loyalty, keeping your mouth shut, and following orders. It was no surprise that Arachnos approached Lucas. They revealed this to him, and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse, literally. It didn’t really matter. Lucas would have accepted anyway. He was inducted into Arachnos officially and began the next chapter in his life.

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Once Lucas joined Arachnos, his real education began as he began the rigorous Arachnos “Basic Training”. As expected, he performed far better then fresh recruits, his gang experience and comfort with violence gave him a clear advantage. Still, far from the perfect student, but his dedication and ferocity made up for any failures of a more academic nature. Once, he finished his training, he did what Arachnos soldiers do. Admittedly, he was expecting more action, but instead he found himself on Guard Duty in a remote Arachnos safe house. The boring nature of the assignment made the days drag on.

Finally, he got a call that there was an Arachnos force in retreat, heading to the safehouse. Lucas followed his protocols, and met the Arachnos team, ensuring their safety. However, they were followed by Longbow Agents. Lucas was so excited because, the truth was, he was just itching for a fight. He lured the Agents inside, and engaged them in close quarters combat. His violence and sheer ferocity, overwhelmed the Longbow Agents in a bone-crunchingly brutal display. The Arachnos agents were extracted and everything seemed like it would go back to normal. Lucas later received a letter of recommendation from one of the Arachnos agents.

About a year later, and with the recommendation of his superiors, Lucas applied for Arachnos special operations. The training was some of the most grueling he had ever encountered. He saw men quit, he saw men die, and he himself came close to both on more than one occasion. Lucas always thought he was tough, but this training was pushing him beyond his limits. He could feel himself getting stronger. As always, the one area that Lucas excelled was the hand-to-hand combat. During these tests, which could barely be considered contests, Lucas would decimate the other recruits in one sided victories. Eventually, the Instructors began to challenge Lucas, putting him in his place.

After graduation, he was immediately sent right back to the school he had just graduated from. Once he arrived, instead of instructors screaming at him, he was greeted warmly with handshakes and big manly hugs. They laughed and joked about the training class they just finished. When Lucas asked why he was sent back there, they told him that he was going to be the new Close Quarters Combat (CQC) Trainer for Arachnos Special Forces. The reason for this was simple, they explained, it was because he held back. When he fought against the instructors, he held back, not going at them with the same brutal ferocity. The Lead Instructor asked Lucas why he did it. Lucas answered that defeating an instructor would undermine their authority and weaken the program as a whole. The Lead smiled and told him that understanding that, meant he was ready to take a larger role in Arachnos, and the other instructors wanted him there. So, Lucas began his new job as CQC Instructor for Arachnos Special Operations. The job he would hold for his entire career, up until the time of his retirement.

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In the normal world, it’s a good thing. It means you’ve worked your ass off, and have finally got to the point that you can relax, and live out your golden years in peace, drinking umbrella drinks on some beach. However, there’s nothing “normal” about growing up in the Rogue Isles, of being employed by gangs or Arachnos. The street Gangs of the Isles, and Arachnos did have one thing in common; Lucas had never heard of anyone retiring peacefully from either. Typically, the only way you leave is either being killed or being “retired” which was often the same thing.

Lucas had been an Instructor for decades now, coming up on his 50th Birthday. He was still a beast to be sure, but he was slower, weaker. He could feel it, they could see it. He could still beat you into the pavement, but he was tired, sore. The Instructors that had brought him on had moved to other posts or been Retired. The “new” group had been there for about 5-10 years. They were good men, strong men. Lucas had trained his replacement, a young man named Cross. He had a rough life like Lucas, like all of them. He found a purpose here in Arachnos, and was a good student. It was his time now to continue the training. Lucas knew that his 50th Birthday would also serve as his Retirement party.

When the day came, the instructors through a huge bash. Booze, music, women, the party looked more like a Bachelor party than a Retirement. They exchanged stories, and laughed. They hugged, and said their goodbyes. Some cried, some made jokes, they all knew that one day, it would be them too. There was so much respect between them, so much respect. How could you not respect a man that willingly walks to his own end with a smile. How do you not respect those that have chosen to live the same way. That’s what the party was really about. It was a celebration of life, of accomplishments, of friendship, and of inevitable ends.

As the party died down, everyone knew it was almost time. Lucas hugged his friends, and said goodbye again. He asked Cross, the man replacing him, “Cross, would you walk me out?”. Cross nodded with a bit of a forced smile. Asking someone to “walk you out” was basically asking them to be the one to “retire” you. Lucas felt it was fitting for his replacement to do it. They left the area, chatting along the way. Lucas smiled and wished Cross luck. Cross thanked him, pulled out a pistol, and put a round through Lucas's chest. The last thing he heard as everything went dark was Cross's distant voice, "Love you old man".

A New Life
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