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<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Background</div>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Discovery</div>
<div align="left">As a child, Ollie Vincent was saved from a snake bite by the paramedics when his friends dared him to poke an ensnared viper with a stick. Growing up, Ollie discovered his passion and knack for chemistry. He pursued a biochemistry degree to better understand toxins and hopefully one day devise a method to prevent children from experiencing his near-death experience.
<div align="left">Growing up in the shadier parts of Kings Row, Tae Li was a young adult with no hopes for the future. School didn't go well and getting some menial jobs was just enough to help his family to get by. At some point in time, Tae was jumped by a group of Hellions on the way home; leaving him constantly fearful and paranoid.  

Ollie graduated from the Founder's Fall university with an impressive thesis on toxicology and he was approached by Crey Biotech with a research position.  
Sometime after, he was approached by a Skull member who promised him a future of opportunity and safety among numbers in the gang. With employment becoming increasing hard to find, Tae accepted the offer.
On the night of his Black Wake initiation into the gang, Tae felt drawn to a specific crypt and a coffin within. Prying open the coffin with a crowbar, he discovered a recently deceased corpse with a black leather book placed on top of the chest.
Whispers echoed into his mind; purportedly from the book, beckoning him to pick up the book with promises of power. When Tae touched the book's cover, a sharp pain flickered through his hand into his entire being. It was no ordinary book, it was a witch's grimoire filled with spells. Picking up the grimoire, he emerged from the crypt and fled when he heard the rest of the Skull recruits gathering.

Naturally, he accepted - Crey would have resources for him to explore his dream of developing a universal antidote freely available to all.
Several years passed and the projects he was allocated to seemed to become more unethical. From deriving a water-soluble addictive from neurotoxins in Crey beverages to using anticoagulant from snake venom without peer research, Ollie was pushed to the limits of his morals. </div>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Exploration</div>
Safe in his room, Tae immediately delved into picking the grimoire apart for answers. Within the leather book's crisp pages, he discovered incantations after incantations with effects ranging from simple divination to darker arts like necromancy and demonic invocation.
The grimoire whispered to him, claiming he was the one it was waiting for. It revealed that Tae descended from a bloodline with a propensity for the arcane and it also sensed that Tae would be willing to do whatever it takes to break out of poverty and hence it chose him. Tae locked himself in his room for days, learning as much from the book as possible. And when more privacy was needed, he left his family home and family behind.
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Birth of a Viper</div>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Road to Addiction</div>
Eventually, Ollie would be cornered and trapped much like the viper from his childhood. The Crey Biotech executives wanted him to create a potent neurotoxin that would neutralize biological targets. This was the line that snapped him out of his corporate routine - whatever happened to trying to save people from poisoning? He refused the project.
Using an invisibility spell and an unlock cantrip, Tae snuck into an abandoned warehouse. In there he began practicing the darker magic and rituals.  A particular page within the grimoire caught his eye: evocation of hellfire. Whispering the incantation, a spark of purple-reddish fire ignited in his right palm. The thrill of tapping into an otherworldly dimension was exhilarating and Tae soon developed an addiction to the infernal magic. This constant use of hellfire resulted in his right hand becoming charred and darkened.

The next day, Ollie was back in his lab when the canisters of chemicals and toxins he was working on exploded. Ollie survived and found himself changed with a new physique - no longer was he the lanky research nerd, he was stronger and was able to free himself from the wreckage. Not only that, he discovered the ability to regurgitate a spray of venom, the same hemotoxin he was working on for his previous projects. With that, Ollie suspected that the executives were behind the explosion, he hadn't had any enemies and the only out of routine thing that occurred was his refusal of the project.
Days passed and his cash ran out. Desperate for sustenance, Tae decided to steal from a supermarket. Sated and in a food coma, he did not notice the guard patrolling. He panicked and accidentally alerted the guard. The guard immediately gave chase and pounced onto the scrawny Tae. In the struggle, the grimoire whispered an incantation and Tae sputtered it out. His right arm that was trying to resist the guard glowed purple-red and suddenly the guard shrieked in pain. Tae watched as the man's facial features shriveled before combusting into hellfire. When the glow dissipated, the arm now had a dark purplish tint.

He planned his revenge. He stormed the executive meeting room after sneaking into the facility. His hunch was proven correct from the surprised expressions and mortified reactions. Rage overcame his logic and he murdered them, some using brute force and the rest from venom overdose. He knew that other executives would replace the deceased and Crey would continue on profiting. Thus, the Monarch Viper was born out of his goal to rip out the Crey blight from the Earth.
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Villainy</div>
Tae continued squatting in the warehouse, surviving on theft and fueling his magic practice by preying on random unfortunate individuals. The practice of dark magic and solitary lifestyle changed him physically: the purplish tint on his arm was now a full-blown coloration, various bony growths now adorned the entirety of his right arm and he developed significant muscle growth from working out. By this time, he had already read the entirety of the grimoire and he wanted more.
He decided to turn his attention towards the fledgling magical heroes and the lower-leveled Hellions, Skulls and Circle of Thorns in the City. Tae would ambush his victims and magically torture them for information, magical relics or incantations; of which he would inscribe into the grimoire.
Then eventually, his thirst for knowledge and power overgrew his rationale. He stormed City Hall in an attempt to breach MAGI's vaults for the darker spells. Inevitably, he was foiled by the Heroes and he fled into the Isles with a teleportation spell - biding his time and targeting other sources of power there.
In the Isles, he adopted the name Blackbook - an ode to the enchanted grimoire that now guides his way towards the peak of power.
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Powers and Abilities</div>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Powers and Abilities</div> <b> Dark Magic </b> <b> Dark Magic </b>
<br>The grimoire has unlocked Tae's inherent magical potency. He is now able to cast spells of various levels from non-somatic cantrips to complex rituals proficiently. With his spells, he has demonstrated some of these abilities: Telekinesis, Teleportation, Invisibility, Illusions and various Curses and Hexes.
<br>The grimoire has unlocked Tae's inherent magical potency. He is now able to cast spells of various levels from non-somatic cantrips to complex rituals proficiently. With his spells, he has demonstrated some of these abilities: telekinesis, teleportation, invisibility, illusions and various curses and hexes.
<br> <b> Hellfire Manipulation</b> <b> Hellfire Manipulation</b>
<br> Tae's most destructive ability is to wield Hellfire; his particular brand of hellfire comes from a mirror of Primal Earth that is blanketed in the very same flames.  
<br> Tae's most destructive ability is to wield Hellfire; tapping into a mirror of Primal Earth plagued by perpetual hellfire. He is able to utilize hellfire in many different ways: projected blasts, calling down a rain of fire and even fashioning fel-fire weapons. Hellfire is addictive and the thrill of being a conduit for the power excites Tae immensely.
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Equipment and Weaponry</div> <b> The Black Grimoire </b>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">Equipment and Weaponry</div>
The Black Grimoire contains pages of spells that Tae uses in his arsenal. The book is sentient; often whispering to Tae and suggesting ways to improve his power. The book is also magically enchanted to have as many pages as needed, often creating empty pages for Tae to inscribe any new incantations.
[[File:Blackbook2.png|250px|right]] <b> Combat Suit</b> <b> Arcane Armaments </b>
Ollie wears a combat suit of his own design. The suit is made of a synthetic kevlar-like material that is resistant to blunt trauma and bullets while being porous enough for Ollie to emit toxic fumes around his vicinity.
As Blackbook, Tae wears a chest plate and belt of his own design. The suit is made of an unknown other dimensional material that is resistant to blunt trauma and bullets.
<br> <b> Dual Pistols </b>
His pair of 9mm pistols uses modified ammunitions that deliver a potent payload of neurotoxins into his targets causing immediate weakness, subsequent shots cause muscle deactivation and finally death by asphyxiation.
<br> <b> Explosives and Traps </b>
Within his belt holster are a variety of thrown explosives and charges that release gases when triggered. The majority of his explosive arsenal are choking and vomiting agents along with a few corrosive and hallucinogenic explosives.<br>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">RP Hooks</div>
<div align="center" style="width: 100%; font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold; color: #000000">RP Hooks</div>
<li>Is wanted in Paragon City for various crimes: chemical bombings, assassinations, blackmail, theft.
<li>Is wanted in Paragon City for various crimes: murder, blackmail, theft.
<li>Has sold some of his poison concoctions in canisters and vials to patrons within the Rogue Isles, he shows good customer service unless someone does something stupid.
<li>Is also wanted by the Midnighter Club - The Black Grimoire is something they want to keep in containment.
<li>If your character has connections to Crey, they might know Monarch Viper from his attacks on Crey facilities and his ex-employee past.
<li>Has stolen or harmed members of magical groups on both sides of the spectrum: Legacy Chain, Mu, Circle of Thorns etc.
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Revision as of 15:36, 7 August 2022


Player: @Mindfate
Real Name
Tae Li
10 November 1994
Paragon City
Witch, Thief
Powers & Abilities
· Known Powers ·
Hellfire Conjuration, Witchcraft, Various Dark Magic
· Equipment ·
The Grimoire
· Other Abilities ·
Spellcraft and Magical Lore via the Grimoire

Growing up in the shadier parts of Kings Row, Tae Li was a young adult with no hopes for the future. School didn't go well and getting some menial jobs was just enough to help his family to get by. At some point in time, Tae was jumped by a group of Hellions on the way home; leaving him constantly fearful and paranoid.

Sometime after, he was approached by a Skull member who promised him a future of opportunity and safety among numbers in the gang. With employment becoming increasing hard to find, Tae accepted the offer.

On the night of his Black Wake initiation into the gang, Tae felt drawn to a specific crypt and a coffin within. Prying open the coffin with a crowbar, he discovered a recently deceased corpse with a black leather book placed on top of the chest.

Whispers echoed into his mind; purportedly from the book, beckoning him to pick up the book with promises of power. When Tae touched the book's cover, a sharp pain flickered through his hand into his entire being. It was no ordinary book, it was a witch's grimoire filled with spells. Picking up the grimoire, he emerged from the crypt and fled when he heard the rest of the Skull recruits gathering.


Safe in his room, Tae immediately delved into picking the grimoire apart for answers. Within the leather book's crisp pages, he discovered incantations after incantations with effects ranging from simple divination to darker arts like necromancy and demonic invocation.

The grimoire whispered to him, claiming he was the one it was waiting for. It revealed that Tae descended from a bloodline with a propensity for the arcane and it also sensed that Tae would be willing to do whatever it takes to break out of poverty and hence it chose him. Tae locked himself in his room for days, learning as much from the book as possible. And when more privacy was needed, he left his family home and family behind.

Road to Addiction

Using an invisibility spell and an unlock cantrip, Tae snuck into an abandoned warehouse. In there he began practicing the darker magic and rituals. A particular page within the grimoire caught his eye: evocation of hellfire. Whispering the incantation, a spark of purple-reddish fire ignited in his right palm. The thrill of tapping into an otherworldly dimension was exhilarating and Tae soon developed an addiction to the infernal magic. This constant use of hellfire resulted in his right hand becoming charred and darkened.

Days passed and his cash ran out. Desperate for sustenance, Tae decided to steal from a supermarket. Sated and in a food coma, he did not notice the guard patrolling. He panicked and accidentally alerted the guard. The guard immediately gave chase and pounced onto the scrawny Tae. In the struggle, the grimoire whispered an incantation and Tae sputtered it out. His right arm that was trying to resist the guard glowed purple-red and suddenly the guard shrieked in pain. Tae watched as the man's facial features shriveled before combusting into hellfire. When the glow dissipated, the arm now had a dark purplish tint.


Tae continued squatting in the warehouse, surviving on theft and fueling his magic practice by preying on random unfortunate individuals. The practice of dark magic and solitary lifestyle changed him physically: the purplish tint on his arm was now a full-blown coloration, various bony growths now adorned the entirety of his right arm and he developed significant muscle growth from working out. By this time, he had already read the entirety of the grimoire and he wanted more.

He decided to turn his attention towards the fledgling magical heroes and the lower-leveled Hellions, Skulls and Circle of Thorns in the City. Tae would ambush his victims and magically torture them for information, magical relics or incantations; of which he would inscribe into the grimoire.

Then eventually, his thirst for knowledge and power overgrew his rationale. He stormed City Hall in an attempt to breach MAGI's vaults for the darker spells. Inevitably, he was foiled by the Heroes and he fled into the Isles with a teleportation spell - biding his time and targeting other sources of power there.

In the Isles, he adopted the name Blackbook - an ode to the enchanted grimoire that now guides his way towards the peak of power.

Powers and Abilities

DilemmaDiabolique_Diabolique_MightOfTheDead.png Dark Magic
The grimoire has unlocked Tae's inherent magical potency. He is now able to cast spells of various levels from non-somatic cantrips to complex rituals proficiently. With his spells, he has demonstrated some of these abilities: telekinesis, teleportation, invisibility, illusions and various curses and hexes.

TalonsOfVengeance_Inferno.png Hellfire Manipulation
Tae's most destructive ability is to wield Hellfire; tapping into a mirror of Primal Earth plagued by perpetual hellfire. He is able to utilize hellfire in many different ways: projected blasts, calling down a rain of fire and even fashioning fel-fire weapons. Hellfire is addictive and the thrill of being a conduit for the power excites Tae immensely.

Equipment and Weaponry

Salvage_Demonlogica.png The Black Grimoire
The Black Grimoire contains pages of spells that Tae uses in his arsenal. The book is sentient; often whispering to Tae and suggesting ways to improve his power. The book is also magically enchanted to have as many pages as needed, often creating empty pages for Tae to inscribe any new incantations.

DilemmaDiabolique_Diabolique_Restoration.png Arcane Armaments
As Blackbook, Tae wears a chest plate and belt of his own design. The suit is made of an unknown other dimensional material that is resistant to blunt trauma and bullets.

RP Hooks
  • Is wanted in Paragon City for various crimes: murder, blackmail, theft.
  • Is also wanted by the Midnighter Club - The Black Grimoire is something they want to keep in containment.
  • Has stolen or harmed members of magical groups on both sides of the spectrum: Legacy Chain, Mu, Circle of Thorns etc.