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<span style="color:#2B3578;">'''ORIGIN/ARCHETYPE:'''</span> Magic Tanker<br>
<span style="color:#2B3578;">'''ORIGIN/ARCHETYPE:'''</span> Magic Tanker<br>
<span style="color:#2B3578;">'''POWERS/ABLILITIES:'''</span>
<span style="color:#2B3578;">'''POWERS/ABLILITIES:'''</span>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Toughness/Super Strength'''</span><br>As a stone golem, Rockwell possesses a tremendous strength and resilience to physical damage without really having to try .<br>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Toughness/Super Strength'''</span><br>As a stone golem, Rockwell possesses a tremendous strength and resilience to physical damage without really having to try.<br>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Earth Manipulation'''</span><br>Rockwell's form hasn't just turned him into a big brute. He can also manipulate the earth around him to some degree. Mostly, he opts to use this ability to encase himself further in stone, but he may also melt the earth around him to form harmful molten puddles, or produce lava from his own body.<br>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Earth Manipulation'''</span><br>Rockwell's form hasn't just turned him into a big brute. He can also manipulate the earth around him to some degree. Mostly, he opts to use this ability to encase himself further in stone, but he may also melt the earth around him to form harmful molten puddles, or produce lava from his own body.<br>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Mixed Martial Arts'''</span><br>Since his transformation, Rockwell has taken great efforts to train his hand-to-hand combat abilities. Whilst he could indeed get away with throwing clumsy strikes due to his freakish strength, Rockwell has instead opted to train real boxing and muay thai techniques and implement them into his arsenal.<br>
* <span style="color:#2B3578;">'''Mixed Martial Arts'''</span><br>Since his transformation, Rockwell has taken great efforts to train his hand-to-hand combat abilities. Whilst he could indeed get away with throwing clumsy strikes due to his freakish strength, Rockwell has instead opted to train real boxing and muay thai techniques and implement them into his arsenal.<br>

Revision as of 16:48, 20 July 2022

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Rockwell No Text.png

PLAYER: @GodOfGibberish
REAL NAME: Cliff Blum
OCCUPATION: Investigative Journalist/Podcast Host/Vigilante

  • Toughness/Super Strength
    As a stone golem, Rockwell possesses a tremendous strength and resilience to physical damage without really having to try.
  • Earth Manipulation
    Rockwell's form hasn't just turned him into a big brute. He can also manipulate the earth around him to some degree. Mostly, he opts to use this ability to encase himself further in stone, but he may also melt the earth around him to form harmful molten puddles, or produce lava from his own body.
  • Mixed Martial Arts
    Since his transformation, Rockwell has taken great efforts to train his hand-to-hand combat abilities. Whilst he could indeed get away with throwing clumsy strikes due to his freakish strength, Rockwell has instead opted to train real boxing and muay thai techniques and implement them into his arsenal.
  • Investigation
    Though both bookish and street intelligence, and sheer journalistic tenacity, Rockwell can and will get to the bottom of any conspiracy. Granted he often employs brute force in his process, but there's no denying that it gets results.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce diam dolor, posuere non dapibus et, interdum quis enim. Nam eleifend rutrum est posuere auctor. Vestibulum ipsum eros, consectetur quis scelerisque vel, rhoncus in justo. Vivamus feugiat fermentum ante, sed accumsan urna convallis sed. Quisque commodo mi vitae nunc mattis interdum ac quis urna. Maecenas at lobortis dui, ut auctor ligula. Proin ac eros a lectus commodo tristique nec efficitur tortor. Sed vitae bibendum neque. Nulla non placerat diam, id eleifend urna. Nullam dignissim rutrum nunc, at bibendum mauris egestas a. Vivamus fermentum, arcu vel semper gravida, tortor magna pharetra magna, ac semper purus orci nec velit. Nullam feugiat dignissim lacinia. Nullam in mauris ac mi pellentesque eleifend. Praesent iaculis ultricies facilisis. Donec blandit eleifend leo, eu laoreet lectus finibus vel. Phasellus vitae tortor sit amet odio cursus lobortis sit amet id libero.

Etiam eu sapien et leo commodo euismod. Cras elit sem, pretium quis diam sit amet, blandit tincidunt sem. Nulla purus felis, vulputate hendrerit sapien ac, lacinia imperdiet justo. Duis molestie sagittis vestibulum. Integer id est eu urna posuere mattis et vel enim. Mauris tempor enim non orci accumsan tincidunt. Curabitur mollis laoreet porta. Aenean dapibus non orci quis consectetur. Phasellus et massa nec lectus commodo pretium et et arcu. Fusce eu finibus sapien, tincidunt vulputate orci. Integer volutpat sem eget erat scelerisque, ut convallis dolor tempor. Nulla tempor pharetra molestie. Cras malesuada eleifend leo.

Praesent hendrerit nisl purus, ac sodales risus auctor eget. Curabitur ac vulputate lorem. Vestibulum eget tincidunt nunc, nec maximus lectus. Sed ac nulla eget tortor posuere ullamcorper. Ut nisl quam, suscipit eu dolor vel, ullamcorper congue dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Donec in aliquet lectus. Vestibulum accumsan est erat, vel ultricies nunc efficitur id.

Phasellus pulvinar purus a faucibus condimentum. Aenean porta et diam ac egestas. Quisque hendrerit suscipit ex quis finibus. Pellentesque sed euismod nulla. Quisque ornare semper neque sit amet tristique. Aenean dictum vehicula ante ac euismod. Pellentesque eu tempor odio. Praesent facilisis vel arcu sit amet convallis. Praesent eget orci vel sem imperdiet ultrices. Suspendisse scelerisque risus a dui accumsan, sed iaculis nisi aliquet. Aliquam posuere ultricies fermentum. Aliquam cursus nulla eget purus imperdiet, vel fermentum dolor dictum. Cras malesuada tortor felis, eget tincidunt orci convallis sed. Duis vel erat neque.

Fusce feugiat facilisis tristique. Proin iaculis sodales pretium. Curabitur vitae volutpat augue. Sed aliquam eros tincidunt ex imperdiet hendrerit. Vivamus pretium euismod felis, in pharetra ex volutpat non. Morbi dapibus malesuada pulvinar. Phasellus finibus ornare lectus, at laoreet neque pulvinar sed. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam ut finibus ex, non rutrum magna. Morbi nunc lectus, porttitor nec placerat non, molestie eu neque. Sed turpis velit, tristique in ligula non, suscipit vehicula purus. Nulla odio neque, luctus id elit vitae, semper fringilla tellus.