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Revision as of 03:06, 2 July 2022


Beatrice Meyers was a prolific anthropologist and scholar of Ancient Egypt, spending most of her life trying to catalogue and unlock the secrets of its history and make that knowledge available to everyone. She had very little time for much else and a lot of her personal relationships suffered, but she was so adamant about her studies that she didn't seem to care about the loneliness; enter Gerard, a foreigner in Cairo on a two-day pass when Beatrice was doing non-field research in the University. A chance meeting, a one-night stand, and before Beatrice knew it she was pregnant but chose not to leave her work or give up her life within the tombs of the ancient world, nor did she have any desire to try and find Gerard to let him know.

She had no reason to suspect anything was amiss during her pregnancy, deep within work on the study of Bastet and her temple (purportedly a site of thousands of cat burials and revered as a holy site for the goddess,) she spent most of her time within dusty, dark places and while she didn't do anything different, when she started to show more of her pregnancy she was encouraged (read: told to) start taking it easier; this only served to spur her on further and any time she was within the halls of the revered Goddess she spent time writing up her notes and 'resting' there to make sure she as following guidelines but still well within the place she loved.

Perhaps that is why when her daughter was born — given the first name of Katerine and the middle name of Keket after another known Egyptian deity — and was covered in a whisper-fine layer of black fur and golden, cat-like eyes, sprouting a thin cat-tail as well as large cat ears, she seemed less upset and more fanatical. Beatrice assumed she and her daughter had been blessed by the goddess Bastet and in her joy at the incident, she began to spin that tale for her impressionable daughter. Even as people would look, point, and whisper, Beatrice was quick to point out that the mundane rarely understood the workings of the Gods and that Katherine should feel rightfully special.

Player: @Drea

NAME: Katherine Keket Meyers
AGE: 30 (appearance)
STATUS: Single
OCCUPATION: Thief, Acrobat
POWERS & ABILITIES: Blessed by Bastet by her own admission (for whatever that's worth); ability to tap into shadows and use that energy as well as a specific sonic frequency.


Vivamus felis felis, gravida nec ultrices non, placerat non nibh. Vestibulum eget cursus leo, quis pretium erat. Proin gravida feugiat sem, ut pellentesque tortor porttitor nec. Ut posuere nisl eu sem egestas, vel mattis mauris accumsan. Fusce non nunc eu lacus bibendum dapibus. Integer hendrerit sagittis urna, vel blandit neque sodales ac. Praesent rutrum eget velit sed posuere. Sed pulvinar eget nisl id blandit. Aenean at arcu eros. Vivamus vel nunc ligula. Aliquam congue blandit turpis, nec consectetur mi imperdiet ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce blandit velit nec velit hendrerit, eget fermentum elit pharetra. Sed non pretium nisl. Mauris placerat et neque vel luctus. Fusce gravida malesuada tellus nec ultricies.


Nullam condimentum tellus pellentesque mauris tempor euismod. Praesent et cursus enim, sit amet rutrum tortor. Phasellus eros est, tempus a mi eu, tincidunt accumsan erat. Fusce vehicula tellus ex, vitae faucibus ante convallis sed. Nunc ipsum arcu, pretium vitae quam nec, sollicitudin posuere ex. Ut sit amet tempus ex. Vivamus aliquam orci in aliquet molestie. Integer dolor augue, pulvinar eu elementum non, dictum eget nulla. Sed in laoreet felis. Nam vel risus bibendum, elementum nisl in, mattis purus. Nullam condimentum tellus pellentesque mauris tempor euismod. Praesent et cursus enim, sit amet rutrum tortor. Phasellus eros est, tempus a mi eu, tincidunt accumsan erat. Fusce vehicula tellus ex, vitae faucibus ante convallis sed. Nunc ipsum arcu, pretium vitae quam nec, sollicitudin posuere ex. Ut sit amet tempus ex. Vivamus aliquam orci in aliquet molestie. Integer dolor augue, pulvinar eu elementum non, dictum eget nulla. Sed in laoreet felis. Nam vel risus bibendum, elementum nisl in, mattis purus.

Nullam condimentum tellus pellentesque mauris tempor euismod. Praesent et cursus enim, sit amet rutrum tortor. Phasellus eros est, tempus a mi eu, tincidunt accumsan erat. Fusce vehicula tellus ex, vitae faucibus ante convallis sed. Nunc ipsum arcu, pretium vitae quam nec, sollicitudin posuere ex. Ut sit amet tempus ex. Vivamus aliquam orci in aliquet molestie. Integer dolor augue, pulvinar eu elementum non, dictum eget nulla. Sed in laoreet felis. Nam vel risus bibendum, elementum nisl in, mattis purus.

Nullam condimentum tellus pellentesque mauris tempor euismod. Praesent et cursus enim, sit amet rutrum tortor. Phasellus eros est, tempus a mi eu, tincidunt accumsan erat. Fusce vehicula tellus ex, vitae faucibus ante convallis sed. Nunc ipsum arcu, pretium vitae quam nec, sollicitudin posuere ex. Ut sit amet tempus ex. Vivamus aliquam orci in aliquet molestie. Integer dolor augue, pulvinar eu elementum non, dictum eget nulla. Sed in laoreet felis. Nam vel risus bibendum, elementum nisl in, mattis purus.