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Cool Text - King Viper 447412945894401.png

King Viper
Character Build
Security Level:
Biographical Data
Real Name:
Lucas Hood
Known Aliases:
Born Human
March 1st
Mercy Isle
Physical Build:
Physical Features:
Snake Like Features
██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██

Lawful Neutral

██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██


Years Active:
2 Years
Base of Operations:
Paragon City, Rogue Isles
Rogue Isles
High School, Arachnos
Criminal, Bouncer
Marital Status:
Single, Never Married
Known Powers and Abilities

- Master Hand to Hand Combatant

- Reflexes, Strength, Endurance, and Agility operate at Super Human levels
Equipment and Paraphernalia
Rocket Board
ReldinBox Template


Cool Text - ORIGIN 447414079484079.png




DarkCast_Blackstar.png Probability Manipulation - Moonstroke's latent mutant power distinctively revolves around his ability to influence and manipulate probability through various methods and magnitudes. He is able to make likely or unlikely events occur or not occur at will, concentrating on specific objects or people, or localized areas of effect - "siphoning" good luck from foes to favour himself and/or those in his proximity. This creates an immediate imbalance within the synchronicity of his surroundings, and as a result effected targets are subjected to unfortunate events.

His manipulation in siphoning, channeling or redirecting positive and negative probabilities/synchronicity is evident in the forms of what has been described as "shade", "smokey" or "plasma-like entrails", potentially further shaped by his own imagination (anything from tentacles, to human-figured shapes. It is suggested that this stems from subconscious mental trauma and/or buried memories of his nightmares that were induced by the entity that once possessed him as a teenager). Positive probability/synchronicity appears through white entrails, while negative probability/synchronicity is visible as black entrails.

Examples of the variety and flexibility of usage include disrupting electronic devices, directing locations of lightning strikes and wind currents, causing combustion or general domestic accidents, ending the lives of elderly beings that are near death anyway or shifting odds toward continuous living, manipulating gambling outcomes, instilling temporary memory loss or memory boosts, dodging bullets, avoiding or lessening the impact of harmful injuries or afflictions, and countless other phenomena.

DarkCast_Aim.png Probability Sensory - A natural side-effect of his primary power, he is able to subconsciously perceive the probability or resolutions of specific people, events and phenomena, and through direct concentration, he can accomplish this consciously. This enables him to reflexively act upon predicted likely paths of favourable outcomes.

DarknessManipulation_SoulDrain.png Lunar Empowerment and Influence - For an as of yet unknown explanation other than the inclusion of the attributes of his mutation, Moonstroke's powers are directly affected by the moon's phases and their perception toward Earth. With the waxing moon, his powers become even stronger and more easily controlled. With the waning moon he is at his least effective at basic output level, though still useful and formidable to some degree.

MentalControl_Confuse.png Mental Resistance - Also dependent upon the perception of the moon's surface in relation to Earth, he gains superior mental resistance from psionic-based attacks, scans, etc with the waxing moon. As it wanes, this resistance becomes weaker - the new moon renders the least resistance of all to near average levels.

DarkArmor_CloakOfDarkness.png Previous Powers - As a previous vessel to the entity J, his body once exhibited a number of corrupted physiological differences, including flight via wings, demonic strength, durability, stamina and regeneration, shadow manipulation, shadow teleportation and minor hypnotic abilities.


Brawling_CrushingUppercut.png Combat and Fitness - He possesses fair hand-to-hand combat ability. While not proficient enough to match true martial artists, Moonstroke has demonstrated basic street-fighting skills while opportunity requires them. Normally, he is keen in avoiding physical confrontation. Starting into adulthood, Moonstroke very regularly exercises and tones his body. His metabolism is naturally high while his body lean - he must strive to maintain his current figure, though a little luck thrown in always makes it easier on him.

Weapons and Equipment

MunitionsMastery_BodyArmor.png Protective Uniform - The dark material of his combat suit is appropriately bullet-proof and heat resistant. Without it, only his good luck can save him from afflictions that would otherwise easily kill the average human being. It always pays to over-prepare and be extra careful.

DarknessManipulation_DarkConsumption.png Moonbelt - His belt is utility-oriented and holds any viable items and equipment when required. The front, white-sphered buckle is actually a solar-powered flashlight.

Weaknesses and Limitations

MentalControl_Confuse.png Mental Illness - Moonstroke has last been diagnosed with schizo-effective disorder, and is also on the lightest end of the functioning autism spectrum. As stated before, his mental well-being depends on the phases of the moon, and during new moons his mental illness is at its most debilitating and evident.

UmbralAura_PenumbralShield.png Astrological Obsession - Moonstroke uses Astrology much like a religion in terms of a belief system and guide. Well adept in Astrological predictions, mathematics and information, the majority of his purpose remains within this subject.

Other Skills and Talents

UmbralAura_PenumbralShield.png Astrology - Even though it can sometimes serve as a detriment to his decision-making, he's nonetheless impressively knowledgeable with anything related to Astrology. He has memorized a wide range of details, and can easily create astrological maps. This interest also pulls him into the science of astronomy as well, which is at least a factual entity.