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= Backstory =
= Backstory =

Before Audel, was Emily Engel.  
One June 20th, 2012, at 7:09 PM, a homunculi was created from the body of Emily Engel and an artificial soul gem created from herself and her grandfather. She stood in the body of a twelve year old girl, confused and scared of the sudden new world before her. With a near wall shattering wail, the raw power of the sun itself erupted before her and melted the entire ritual chamber.  

Emily Engel was a veteran hero that served in the Praetorian War and was part of the many heroic elite. Under the moniker Luficia, she was rumored to be part of many supergroups such as the Challengers, the Steadfast Pact or even fighting beside the great Xanatos himselfIt was hard to tell from fact and fiction but Emily retired from her heroic work on August 31st.  
No one could have anticipated that the power of the incarnate, that originally belonged to Luficia, would transfer over to the childBefore anything could go wrong, she heard a voice call out in a comforting tone.

Even with her retirement, Emily couldn't comprehend her own immortality. A lot of her friends had either departed or died in the war. Emily couldn't bare the thought of watching her own adopted son grow old and die while she remained the same.  With her grandfather's soul, they studied in creating a homunculus; specifically out of her own body.
‘Everything’s going to be okay. You are loved and you are safe’

Emily's contact with Ghost Widow through the years led her to master magic involving souls as well. For even if one could create a homunculi, they would lack a personality or a soul.  
It was enough that fizzled out the power and caused the child to collapse. The only witness of the ritual, Jeremiah, scooped up the child in his arms and cradled her in his grasp.  

She covered her tracks well! The only people that knew was her son, Jeremiah and his wife. Emily burnt a lot of her notes before the process was done.  
Hence that day, she would go by a new name… Audel.  

On June 21st, the ritual was performed with only her son as her witness. She had the formula set up with other materials to make up where her own body lacked. Her soul and her grandfather's would be merged into a stone to anchor to the new body. Everything was set up to perfection!

... except Emily messed up the formula mathematics, causing the ritual to make a far denser human being than what was supposed to be there. There was also the fact that Emily was an incarnate; under the power of [| Sol, or Helios ]. This alone helped in ensuring a success in the newly created homunculi but also made her far more powerful than Emily ever wanted her daughter to be. Without it, Audel wouldn't have survived.  
=== After the Ritual ===
As far as Audel knew, she was a twelve year old girl that lived in Paragon City all her life. She lived with her single father, Jeremiah, and they could only afford a cheap apartment in the Kings Row district.  
While her dad did the best he could, he was also a part time hero himself and was gone for long periods of time trying to save the city. It left Audel alone with her books and looking out the window. With her unusual physical prowess, there wasn’t much she could play with; any attempts either broke what she touched or accidentally hurt other kids. The little girl felt like a monster.  
She felt like a lost teenager with nowhere to go in life.. That is, until May Carter and Reed Davis approached her. They sat with her, asked about her interests and showed Audel things she could get into that didn’t involve hurting anyone.  It brought so much light into her otherwise lonely mood.  

Emily wanted to leave behind a daughter; instead, she left behind a scared five year old with the power of a god and inhuman strength.

Audel Huxley was born into the world.  
Everything changed when she noticed the Vahzilok kidnapped May and Reed into the sewers. They were her only friends and she couldn’t let this stand! For once, she decided to not hold back with her power and fight them in the sewer.  

=== After the Ritual ===

It wasn't easy growing up.  
Her friends weren’t the only ones she saved that day; there were other victims waiting to meet under the Vahzilok hacksaw. She burns through the undead, freeing her friends and other civilians in the process. She fought through any other gangs in her way, like the Skulls, and got everyone to safety.  

Audel's strength alone forced her father to get a first floor apartment and specialized furniture to be able to keep up with her density. His budget could only cover a place in Kings Row. She went to public schooling despite her power and was feared a lot by the other kids. Specialists came in to run tests to try to find the source of her power but all would come either inconclusive or interference from her dad.

It left her with not a lot of friends except for two folk; May Carter and Reed Davis.  
It was a strange feeling, being thanked instead of scolded for her power.  

They gave her a chance where others wouldn't and adapted so Audel could play. Too strong for sports? Reed brought books for them to read together. Tired of sitting on the sidelines? May snuck magazines for the girls to look at; fashion and gardening magazines! It developed a special bond with the trio.

Were it not for her two best friends, Audel might have came out completely different.
It led Audel on a journey of self-discovery, learning her power slowly but surely. She learnt how to control the heat around her and make fire form in her hands, or how to use that raw power to fly through the air. Reed taught her some basics from his kickboxing classes and May snuck in a hand-made costume with stars and stripes.  

Once in high school, things changed.

Walking home from school, Audel was abducted by the Vahzilok and dragged into the sewers. The only reason they were even successful was for the super powered vahzilok they had that day. She woke up to them attempting to try to cut her open except all their tools were breaking on impact. It wasn't difficult for her to break the restraints and subdue every single one of them.
The more Audel fought to protect the streets at night, the more she found herself more passionate about protecting the civilians. There was no real explanation how her powers came to be or why but she could do something meaningful about it. Even if her powers felt like the sun itself, she could harness it to protect people.

Audel had to fight through many gangs in the sewers just to get out; the Skulls being the majority underneath the Kings Row sector. It was how she meant her nemesis of her teenage years - Draven. She punched him directly in the face while fighting through the rest of them. It left her understanding that her power could be used for something positive; something good for the city.

Maybe Audel could be just like her grandma, Emily.  
Even if some people feared her, there were others who admired her. The more Audel fought gangs and villains, the more she found herself growing attached to the people. Even if she didn’t understand people well or even herself, she had the urge to protect it with all her heart and soul.  

Her father forebade her from getting her hero's license; not until she was 18.  That didn't stop Audel or her best friends. Donning some thrown on costumes sewn by May, the trio set out to fight against the Skulls. It wasn't easy and May was kidnapped(a lot) but the trio managed to make Kings Row a little safer. It only brought them closer together.

Fighting against Draven made Audel feel alive; among other things.  
Was this what it meant to be a hero? Is it to guard her friends, family and strangers with her solar might? If the city needed more heroes than she was more than happy to step up.  

All good things do come to an end though. After one last tussle that left the gang incapacitated for weeks, the trio graduated high school. Reed and May enrolled to colleges outside of Paragon City but they keep in touch with Audel. As for Audel?

When she turned 18 years old, her father sat her down and gave her a gift; the sol stone. It was a gift meant for her granddaughter. When taking the stone in hand, Audel discovered other powers she never knew she had and she could fly! After flying over the city for what seemed like eons, Audel signed up to get her hero's license and came up with the only fitting name for herself.
After all, that’s who she was now; Solarguard.  


== Today ==
== Today ==

Audel Huxley took the mantle of Solarguard and is officially registered with a hero's license. When she isn't fighting the good fight, Audel is studying at the University for her athletics degree.  
Audel Huxley held the Solarguard moniker, fighting without a hero license up until she was eighteen years old. Her father found out and instead of grounding her, he let her sign up with a license under the condition that she held no secrets from him. He got a big ol’ hug as his answer.  

Solarguard's name is climbing up the ranks but some would find Solarguard looks almost familiar if they ever knew of Luficia.

While Audel is studying in college, she's taken up teaching yoga and gym lessons at a famous gym in Steel Canyon. Her classes get filled up quick with her dietary advice, exercise regimes and group yoga classes.  
Since then, she joined the New Defenders and became friends with Anomalie, Direct Control, Sun-Gun, Ultrali and many others. Through them did she discover her homunculi heritage and learn to come to terms with it. Eventually, she left the New Defenders to pursue fighting for more than just the city; she wanted to protect the world.  

She was part of the New Defenders, under the tutelage of the Global Defense Force, for a short while. It was a learning experience but Audel wanted to defend the city her own way. Briefly forming the Steadfast Pact, it was interrupted by Arachnos. Having finally accepted Audel Huxley as an independent person, they wanted to take her and study her whole being. If they could create perfected homunculi like Luficia did, who knows what Arachnos would do with such a thing?

They kidnapped her from her apartment but it didn't last long; Audel broke out with ease and has been on the run in the Etoile Isles since.
Unfortunately, Arachnos wouldn’t allow it. They kidnapped her and wanted to study her to try to replicate her grandmother’s homunculi formula for themselves. She broke out and fled for a year until her old friends, now called the Accord, came to her rescue.
With new and old friends alike, she works with them as if they were her second family the whole time. Together, with the Accord, she works to be the hero she wants to be; protecting a world and all the people she loves so much in it.  

= Personality =
= Personality =

In her early age, she was nothing like her introverted mother.  
Audel didn’t really have a childhood to develop much of a personality; she was very temperamental, struggling to figure out her own emotions when she was younger. It took meeting her friends and being part of the Accord to realize who she is; a kind hearted but excited woman with her playful side held deep within.  

That didn't mean she didn't inherit some things; her compassion was transported over with a desire to protect the weak.  She inherited her stubborness though Audel has a tendecy to not wield easily.

She did develop a big of a temper that she wasn't able to control easily. The scorn of her powers only made it worse and she broke things. A lot. It was difficult to control her strength around everyone else.  
Her loving side is shown to her boyfriend, her friends and even strangers alike. Audel loves to cook and accommodate anyone she meets; she isn’t even above reaching a hand out to a villain in hard times with food.  

As she got older and developed as a hero, her temper cooled down and developed a playful side. A wink to a villain with a slam of her fist or other little details unless the situation demanded her to take it seriously. Her playfulness is reflected in her costume; from her jacket to the heart shaped sunglasses she always has on.

She is a hopeless romantic and always secretly gushes on any relationships that develop from friends to even strangers. Even with her extroverted nature, she desires calm things in life like gardening, knitting, reading books and listening to music.  
Because she lacked a childhood, she doesn’t really have many hobbies except reading or other quiet activities. It wasn’t until her boyfriend did she find herself able to find other hobbies, to play, even.  
Overall, Audel cares and growing older, it’s allowed her to be less temperamental and to open her heart even more to others.  

Audel isn't perfect but that leaves her open to develop, to grow, and to change. Just like every other human being!

= Powers & Abilities =
= Powers & Abilities =
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'''Enhanced Combat & Fitness''': That training in the gym isn't just for show. She's flexible for a reason.  
'''Enhanced Combat & Fitness''': That training in the gym isn't just for show. She's flexible for a reason.  

'''Sol Incarnate''': Like her mother, Audel inherited the power of the incarnate from the Praetorian War. Where her mother learnt slowly and built her power on her own, Audel had everything her mother worked hard given to her all at once. Audel didn't know this for years but it amplifies her powers as well as given her power of solar absorption and manipulation to begin with.  
'''Sol Incarnate''': Audel inherited the power of the incarnate from the Praetorian War through her mother. Where her mother learnt slowly and built her power on her own, Audel had everything her mother worked hard given to her all at once. Audel didn't know this for years but it amplifies her powers as well as given her power of solar absorption and manipulation to begin with.  While Audel thought it was the Greek God of the Sun, Sol, it was infact the Norse Goddess of the Sun, Sol. She answered the call and has given Audel her power since creation.  

'''Solar Absorption''': By herself(via incarnate) and the Sol Stone, she is constantly absorbing the sun light and acts as an infinite resource for her powers.
'''Solar Absorption''': By herself(via incarnate) and the Sol Stone, she is constantly absorbing the sun light and acts as an infinite resource for her powers.
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'''Human & Emotional Mimicry''': Audel is not a traditional human being. She is a humonculus and the rules are different for her. Any potentially fatal blows to the brain, the heart and other vital organs will not kill her. This has been mistakened for immortality many times. The Sol Stone is the heart and soul of her well being. Not only that but she can't feel emotion like any other human being can. The further its away from her, the harder it is for her to feel.  If the connection is cut, she is incapable of feeling any emotion. This could make for any villain/other being able to completely possess Audel or to control her for their own means.
'''Human & Emotional Mimicry''': Audel is not a traditional human being. She is a humonculus and the rules are different for her. Any potentially fatal blows to the brain, the heart and other vital organs will not kill her. This has been mistakened for immortality many times. The Sol Stone is the heart and soul of her well being. Not only that but she can't feel emotion like any other human being can. The further its away from her, the harder it is for her to feel.  If the connection is cut, she is incapable of feeling any emotion. This could make for any villain/other being able to completely possess Audel or to control her for their own means.

= Villains & Nemeses =
= Weaknesses =
'''Acranium''': When they couldn’t find a way to replicate the homunculi project, there was only one solution; if they couldn’t have her then no one could. With the best scholars and mages within the organization, a special kind of metal was created with the sole purpose of cutting through Solarguard like a hot knife through butter, thus, acranium was created.
It's a mystical metal with specific enchantments woven with the power to cut homunculi and prevent any regeneration. Although

'''Arachnos''': To them, it was a worst fear come into fruition; one of the biggest heroes that fought against Arachnos had returned. It was enough to give Ghost Widow and even Lord Recluse to pause to that heroic name; Luficia. Many come at Audel in the hope of earning personal favor or under orders to try to destroy her. Many don't listen to Audel's protests that she is, in fact, not her grandma. Due to recent revelations, some have started to reevaluate Solarguard but there is the big fear of her return through Solarguard is still there. So, despite Audel's irritation, she is on one of the most wanted under both alias.

'''Nemesis''': This has been recent ever since joining Seismic Impact in saving the city one morning against a Rikti invasion and Nemesis revealed his hand in the plot. It was the first time she's exchanged real blows against Nemesis and his army but it wasn't forgotten.
= Villains & Nemeses =

'''Khalgra and the Grun'Tuk''': It's DC's fault, really. In his simulated life of a perfect world, he predicted how Audel with six others stopped the invasion of the Grun'Tuk. It was because of this prophecy that it reached the Grun'Tuk... or, rather, to Khalgra. The two have been enemies since with their potential clash growing inevitable.  
'''Arachnos''': To them, it was a worst fear come into fruition; one of the biggest heroes that fought against Arachnos had returned. It was enough to give Ghost Widow and even Lord Recluse to pause to that heroic name; Luficia. Many come at Audel in the hope of earning personal favor or under orders to try to destroy her. Originally believing it was Luficia herself, they learnt the truth of her heritage. When they couldn't contain her to have her secrets for themselves, they sought to find ways to destroy her instead.  

'''Count Bedlam''': It started out nice. The two shared a love of literacy and he seemed interesting. The fear of villainous betrayal was too great and after one incident, the two fell at odds. Bedlam's vengeance will come one day.  
'''Nemesis''': This has been recent ever since joining Seismic Impact in saving the city one morning against a Rikti invasion and Nemesis revealed his hand in the plot. It was the first time she's exchanged real blows against Nemesis and his army but it wasn't forgotten.

'''Dominatriea''': For all intents and purposes, Audel doesn't know she exists. This villainness knows her though and will do anything to get her clutches onto Audel to research exactly how she was created. If Dominatriea can unlock Audel's secrets, then it will be the key for the villainess' own purposes. Exactly what that purpose could be is anyone's guess.
'''The Grun'Tuk Empire''': It's DC's fault, really. In his simulated life of a perfect world, he predicted how Audel with six others stopped the invasion of the Grun'Tuk. It was because of this prophecy that it reached the Grun'Tuk... Since then, she's been at war with them since that now has got the Accord involved. They have her marked and she won't stop fighting against the Empire.  

'''GobbaNak''': Even if he serves for the Grun'Tuk, his manipulative nature and magic prowess is not to be underestimated. With his own goals of achieving godhood, he's been set as one of the more deadly enemies to Audel to date.

'''NetHack''': No one knows the true nature of Kevin or the entity within. It's hard to say exactly or who Kevin is. Audel isn't even sure what to even make of him but one thing is for sure; she's terrified of NetHack.

= OOC Notes =
'''Count Bedlam''': It started out nice. The two shared a love of literacy and he seemed interesting. The fear of villainous betrayal was too great and after one incident, the two fell at odds. Bedlam's vengeance will come one day.

* Audel's solstone was transferred to a brand new stone, thanks to the Accord! It cannot be destroyed but it can be damaged to try to subdue Audel herself. The solstone is her mind and soul.  
'''Dominatriea''': For all intents and purposes, Audel doesn't know she exists. This villainness knows her though and will do anything to get her clutches onto Audel to research exactly how she was created. If Dominatriea can unlock Audel's secrets, then it will be the key for the villainess' own purposes. Exactly what that purpose could be is anyone's guess.

* To those who knew Luficia in any capacity; ''yes, she looks exactly like Luficia.'' Just a little thicker and with a toned frame.

* It was never intended to be this way but a lot of inspiration for Solarguard's inception were the rules of homunculi in Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Though she seems to relate a lot more with the themes from Rose Quartz in Steven Universe. It wasn't meant to be but her story and Luficia's seem sort of similar!

[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Hero]]
[[Category: Character]] [[Category:Hero]]

Revision as of 01:46, 12 March 2024

  • Solarguard is a creation as a spiritual successor to Luficia[1]
Player: @Aymeigh
Origin: Magic
Archetype: Tanker
Security Level: 50
Server: Everlasting
Personal Data
Real Name: Audel Huxley
Known Aliases: Audie, Princess(to dad)
Species: Homunculus
Age: 22 (17 based on creation)
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 628
Eye Color: Light Blue
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Biographical Data
Nationality: German Heritage
Occupation: Gym Teacher & Yoga Instructor, College Student
Place of Birth: Steel Canyon Hospital?
Base of Operations: Paragon City
Marital Status: Single
Known Relatives: Jeremiah Huxley ("Dad", Brother) Emily Engel, ("Grandma", Mother)
Known Powers
Superhuman strength and extreme physical durability. Solar Manipulation through herself and the Sol Stone. Can manipulate thermal energy through herself to create enough heat to set opponents on fire or create electricity to use against her foes. Inherited her mother's incarnate abilities on accident and provides a heavy boost.
Known Abilities
Due to being a gym and yoga teacher, she has access to physical training. She abandoned trying to fight with a blade and instead resorts to her fists - through physical training.
the Sol Stone is always nestled along her cape, acting as a brooch.
Anyone who knew Emily would also know she was physically unable to get pregnant so someone who looks a lot like her may ask questions. Others who knew Luficia for years would mistaken her as Emily first.


One June 20th, 2012, at 7:09 PM, a homunculi was created from the body of Emily Engel and an artificial soul gem created from herself and her grandfather. She stood in the body of a twelve year old girl, confused and scared of the sudden new world before her. With a near wall shattering wail, the raw power of the sun itself erupted before her and melted the entire ritual chamber.

No one could have anticipated that the power of the incarnate, that originally belonged to Luficia, would transfer over to the child. Before anything could go wrong, she heard a voice call out in a comforting tone.

‘Everything’s going to be okay. You are loved and you are safe’

It was enough that fizzled out the power and caused the child to collapse. The only witness of the ritual, Jeremiah, scooped up the child in his arms and cradled her in his grasp.

Hence that day, she would go by a new name… Audel.

After the Ritual

As far as Audel knew, she was a twelve year old girl that lived in Paragon City all her life. She lived with her single father, Jeremiah, and they could only afford a cheap apartment in the Kings Row district.

While her dad did the best he could, he was also a part time hero himself and was gone for long periods of time trying to save the city. It left Audel alone with her books and looking out the window. With her unusual physical prowess, there wasn’t much she could play with; any attempts either broke what she touched or accidentally hurt other kids. The little girl felt like a monster.

She felt like a lost teenager with nowhere to go in life.. That is, until May Carter and Reed Davis approached her. They sat with her, asked about her interests and showed Audel things she could get into that didn’t involve hurting anyone. It brought so much light into her otherwise lonely mood.

Everything changed when she noticed the Vahzilok kidnapped May and Reed into the sewers. They were her only friends and she couldn’t let this stand! For once, she decided to not hold back with her power and fight them in the sewer.

Her friends weren’t the only ones she saved that day; there were other victims waiting to meet under the Vahzilok hacksaw. She burns through the undead, freeing her friends and other civilians in the process. She fought through any other gangs in her way, like the Skulls, and got everyone to safety.

It was a strange feeling, being thanked instead of scolded for her power.

It led Audel on a journey of self-discovery, learning her power slowly but surely. She learnt how to control the heat around her and make fire form in her hands, or how to use that raw power to fly through the air. Reed taught her some basics from his kickboxing classes and May snuck in a hand-made costume with stars and stripes.

The more Audel fought to protect the streets at night, the more she found herself more passionate about protecting the civilians. There was no real explanation how her powers came to be or why but she could do something meaningful about it. Even if her powers felt like the sun itself, she could harness it to protect people.

Even if some people feared her, there were others who admired her. The more Audel fought gangs and villains, the more she found herself growing attached to the people. Even if she didn’t understand people well or even herself, she had the urge to protect it with all her heart and soul.

Was this what it meant to be a hero? Is it to guard her friends, family and strangers with her solar might? If the city needed more heroes than she was more than happy to step up.

After all, that’s who she was now; Solarguard.


Audel Huxley held the Solarguard moniker, fighting without a hero license up until she was eighteen years old. Her father found out and instead of grounding her, he let her sign up with a license under the condition that she held no secrets from him. He got a big ol’ hug as his answer.

Since then, she joined the New Defenders and became friends with Anomalie, Direct Control, Sun-Gun, Ultrali and many others. Through them did she discover her homunculi heritage and learn to come to terms with it. Eventually, she left the New Defenders to pursue fighting for more than just the city; she wanted to protect the world.

Unfortunately, Arachnos wouldn’t allow it. They kidnapped her and wanted to study her to try to replicate her grandmother’s homunculi formula for themselves. She broke out and fled for a year until her old friends, now called the Accord, came to her rescue.

With new and old friends alike, she works with them as if they were her second family the whole time. Together, with the Accord, she works to be the hero she wants to be; protecting a world and all the people she loves so much in it.


Audel didn’t really have a childhood to develop much of a personality; she was very temperamental, struggling to figure out her own emotions when she was younger. It took meeting her friends and being part of the Accord to realize who she is; a kind hearted but excited woman with her playful side held deep within.

Her loving side is shown to her boyfriend, her friends and even strangers alike. Audel loves to cook and accommodate anyone she meets; she isn’t even above reaching a hand out to a villain in hard times with food.

Because she lacked a childhood, she doesn’t really have many hobbies except reading or other quiet activities. It wasn’t until her boyfriend did she find herself able to find other hobbies, to play, even.

Overall, Audel cares and growing older, it’s allowed her to be less temperamental and to open her heart even more to others.

Powers & Abilities

Super Strength: Through a miscalculation from her mother, she has developed natural super strength. She can pack a whallop with her fist alone and lift cars.

Super Durability: Through a miscalculation from her mother, she has developed natural durability. Many mistaken it for invulnerability with bullets unable to puncture the skin. With enough force, the skin can be pierced.

Enhanced Combat & Fitness: That training in the gym isn't just for show. She's flexible for a reason.

Sol Incarnate: Audel inherited the power of the incarnate from the Praetorian War through her mother. Where her mother learnt slowly and built her power on her own, Audel had everything her mother worked hard given to her all at once. Audel didn't know this for years but it amplifies her powers as well as given her power of solar absorption and manipulation to begin with. While Audel thought it was the Greek God of the Sun, Sol, it was infact the Norse Goddess of the Sun, Sol. She answered the call and has given Audel her power since creation.

Solar Absorption: By herself(via incarnate) and the Sol Stone, she is constantly absorbing the sun light and acts as an infinite resource for her powers.

Solar Manipulation: Via Sol Stone and herself(via incarnate), she can manipulate solar energy absorbed by the sun through her own means. Her favorite is power her fists in solar light and punch her foes with mini suns if brute force is not doing the trick.

Thermal Emission: Being solar powered, the air around her can get hot very quickly. This is used to her advantage to allow to create bursts of flame within her range. It can be used to make a fist of pure flame or within short range period.

  • Electrical Manipulation: This is only an after effect of the thermal emission. It can also create an electrical charge. It takes a lot to develop and can only fire in huge bursts through many of her foes.

Flight: Through the Sol Stone, Solarguard can fly. Without it, she can't take to the air.

Human & Emotional Mimicry: Audel is not a traditional human being. She is a humonculus and the rules are different for her. Any potentially fatal blows to the brain, the heart and other vital organs will not kill her. This has been mistakened for immortality many times. The Sol Stone is the heart and soul of her well being. Not only that but she can't feel emotion like any other human being can. The further its away from her, the harder it is for her to feel. If the connection is cut, she is incapable of feeling any emotion. This could make for any villain/other being able to completely possess Audel or to control her for their own means.


Acranium: When they couldn’t find a way to replicate the homunculi project, there was only one solution; if they couldn’t have her then no one could. With the best scholars and mages within the organization, a special kind of metal was created with the sole purpose of cutting through Solarguard like a hot knife through butter, thus, acranium was created.

It's a mystical metal with specific enchantments woven with the power to cut homunculi and prevent any regeneration. Although 

Villains & Nemeses

Arachnos: To them, it was a worst fear come into fruition; one of the biggest heroes that fought against Arachnos had returned. It was enough to give Ghost Widow and even Lord Recluse to pause to that heroic name; Luficia. Many come at Audel in the hope of earning personal favor or under orders to try to destroy her. Originally believing it was Luficia herself, they learnt the truth of her heritage. When they couldn't contain her to have her secrets for themselves, they sought to find ways to destroy her instead.

Nemesis: This has been recent ever since joining Seismic Impact in saving the city one morning against a Rikti invasion and Nemesis revealed his hand in the plot. It was the first time she's exchanged real blows against Nemesis and his army but it wasn't forgotten.

The Grun'Tuk Empire: It's DC's fault, really. In his simulated life of a perfect world, he predicted how Audel with six others stopped the invasion of the Grun'Tuk. It was because of this prophecy that it reached the Grun'Tuk... Since then, she's been at war with them since that now has got the Accord involved. They have her marked and she won't stop fighting against the Empire.

GobbaNak: Even if he serves for the Grun'Tuk, his manipulative nature and magic prowess is not to be underestimated. With his own goals of achieving godhood, he's been set as one of the more deadly enemies to Audel to date.

NetHack: No one knows the true nature of Kevin or the entity within. It's hard to say exactly or who Kevin is. Audel isn't even sure what to even make of him but one thing is for sure; she's terrified of NetHack.

Count Bedlam: It started out nice. The two shared a love of literacy and he seemed interesting. The fear of villainous betrayal was too great and after one incident, the two fell at odds. Bedlam's vengeance will come one day.

Dominatriea: For all intents and purposes, Audel doesn't know she exists. This villainness knows her though and will do anything to get her clutches onto Audel to research exactly how she was created. If Dominatriea can unlock Audel's secrets, then it will be the key for the villainess' own purposes. Exactly what that purpose could be is anyone's guess.